ShenZhen Haohaichang Industrial Co.,Ltd.
ShenZhen Haohaichang Industrial Co.,Ltd.
قسمت های ماشین CNC

قسمت های ماشین CNC

CNC) کنترل عددی رایانه ( ماشین یک فرایند تولید کم کننده است که از ابزارهای ماشین کامپیوتری برای ساخت یک قسمت سفارشی استفاده می کند. یک کامپیوتر از کدهای برنامه نویسی برای هدایت ابزارهای ماشین برای یک ماده در یک ماده استفاده می کند. این است تا زمانی که مواد بخش ورودی طراحی شده را تشکیل دهد.

با استفاده از محدوده های مختلفی از مواد مانند فلز، پلاستیک و ترکیب ماشين CNC ميتونه قطعات رو توليد کنه با ویژگی های مکانیکی، پایداری و مقاومت فن آوری براي درخواست هاي مختلف مناسب ميشه

انواع قسمت های ماشین CNC

قسمت های ماشین CNC آلومینیومی قسمت های ماشین CNC آلومینیومی
قسمت های ماشین آلومینیوم CNC اجزای دقیق تولید شده با استفاده از ماشین های پیشرفته کنترل کامپیوتر برای ایجاد شکل و طراحی پیچیده با دقت و ثبات بالايي اين قطعات از مواد آلومينيومي با کيفيت بالا ساخته شده است که قدرت فوق العاده و پایداري و مقاومت فعالیت های گسترده ای از کاربردها
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قسمت های ماشین CNC فولادی بی اضطراری قسمت های ماشین CNC فولادی بی اضطراری
قسمت های ماشین CNC فولادی استرالی غرق اجزای ضروری در صنایع مختلف، از جمله هوا فضا، ماشین و پزشکی هستند. با قدرت بالا، پايداري و مقاومت فوق العاده اي به فساد و گرمايي قطعات فولادی غلطی به طور گسترده در کاربردهای بحرانی استفاده می شوند که قابل اطمینان است.
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چگونه می توانیم قسمت های ماشینی CNC تولید کنیم؟

چگونه می توانیم قسمت های ماشینی CNC تولید کنیم؟

در شرکت ما، ما از یک فرایند بسیار موثر استفاده می کنیم تا بخش های ماشین سازی سی ان ان ای که با شرایط مشتری هامون برآورده بشه این یک نمای کلاسی از فرایند ما پیروی می کنیم:

  • طراحی و برنامه نویسی: مهندسین ماهر ما با آخرین نرم افزار برای طراحی و برنامه ریزی این قسمت کار می کنند. مطمئن شدن که مشخصات لازم و تحمل مورد نظر قرار بگيره

  • انتخاب مادی : ما با دقت مادهٔ مناسب را انتخاب می کنیم ، با توجه به قدرت ، پایداری و خصوصیات دیگری .

  • ماشین سی ان این که شامل حذف مواد زیادی از کارگر برای ایجاد شکل نهایی قسمت است.

  • بازرسی کیفیت: تیم ما قسمت ها را در هر مرحله از فرآیند بررسی می کنند با استفاده از آخرین تکنولوژی و تجهیزات برای مطمئن شدن هر بخشی از استاندارد کیفیت مورد نیاز قرار داره

  • به پایان رسیدن: ما گزینه های پایانی پیشنهاد می کنیم، از جمله شن شیرین، لاش، انواع و پوشش، براي افزايش ظاهر و عملکردي بخش ها.

  • بسته بندی و انتقال: ما با دقت قسمت ها رو جمع می کنیم تا رسیدن امن اونا رو به مشتری هامون برسونیم.

  • با تعهد ما به کیفیت، کارایی و رضایت مشتری ما اعتبار به عنوان يک اعتماد به بخش هاي ماشين هاي سفارشي سي ان اي ان اي ساختيم اگر شما پروژه ای دارید که نیاز به قسمت های ماشین سی انC با کیفیت بالا باشه لطفا با ما تماس بگیرید تا در مورد شرایط شما و چگونه می توانیم کمک کنیم.

Technical Data of CNC Machining Parts


CNC Milling

CNC Turning


Aluminum/ Cu / Steel / Stainless

Aluminum/ Cu / Steel / Stainless

Maximum Part Size

1000mm * 1000mm * 600mm

1000mm * 600mm * 600mm

Standard Lead Time

4 Business Days

4 Business Days

Tolerance (±mm)

Milling Only: Up to ± 0.025mm

With Wire Cutting or EDM: Up to 0.002mm

Up to ± 0.0025mm

Quality Assurance

ISO 9001, ISO 45001:2018

Supplier Audits

CMM and 2D Measuring Projector

Inspection Reports

Functional Inspection

Custom Sampling

ISO 9001, ISO 45001:2018

Supplier Audits

CMM and 2D Measuring Projector

Inspection Reports

Functional Inspection

Custom Sampling


Advantages of CNC Machining Parts

  1. High precision and accuracy: With CNC machining, parts can be manufactured with extremely tight tolerances and high accuracy, providing a level of consistency that is difficult to achieve with manual machining processes.

  2. Wide range of materials: CNC machining can be used with a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, wood, and composites.

  3. Cost-effective for high-volume production: CNC machining is ideal for high-volume manufacturing as it enables the production of large quantities of parts at a lower cost per piece.

  4. Increased efficiency: The automated nature of CNC machining means that production can be carried out more efficiently, without the need for manual intervention, resulting in faster production times.

  5. Versatility: CNC machining can be used to produce complex components with intricate shapes and geometries, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Exploring the World of CNC Machining: A Look at Different Types

In the realm of precision manufacturing, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining stands as a technological marvel that has revolutionized the production industry. CNC machining involves the use of computerized systems to control machine tools and processes, allowing for highly accurate and efficient production of intricate parts and components. The various CNC machining processes under HHC have different application scopes and processing characteristics. The following provides a detailed classification and introduction.

1. Milling:

One of the most common types of CNC machining, milling employs rotating cutting tools to remove material from a workpiece. The milling machine can move along multiple axes, creating a wide range of shapes, slots, and holes. From simple components to complex prototypes, milling is versatile and widely used in industries like aerospace, automotive, and electronics.

Exploring the World of CNC Machining: A Look at Different Types

2. Turning:

In turning operations, the workpiece rotates while a cutting tool shapes it into the desired form. This type of CNC machining is ideal for creating cylindrical components such as shafts, bolts, and spindles. Precision turning is a cornerstone of manufacturing processes, providing efficiency and accuracy for various applications.

Exploring the World of CNC Machining: A Look at Different Types

3. Drilling:

As the name suggests, drilling CNC machines are designed to create holes in workpieces. These machines use rotating drill bits to remove material, and they are crucial in the production of components that require precise and uniform holes. Industries like construction, metalworking, and electronics heavily rely on CNC drilling for their manufacturing needs.

Exploring the World of CNC Machining: A Look at Different Types

4. Grinding:

When extreme precision and surface finish are paramount, CNC grinding comes into play. This method employs abrasive wheels to remove material and achieve tight tolerances. CNC grinding is indispensable in the production of tools, molds, and high-precision components used in medical devices and aerospace engineering.

Exploring the World of CNC Machining: A Look at Different Types

5. Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM):

EDM is a non-traditional CNC machining method that utilizes electrical discharges to shape materials. By carefully controlled electrical sparks, EDM can create intricate and complex shapes with high precision. This technique is particularly useful for hard metals that are challenging to machine with traditional methods. For example, we use Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) to customize templates for molds

Exploring the World of CNC Machining: A Look at Different Types

6. Laser Cutting:

CNC laser cutting involves the use of a laser beam to cut through materials, creating precise and clean edges. This method is widely used in the fabrication of sheet metal components for industries ranging from automotive to consumer electronics. The high level of precision and speed makes CNC laser cutting an invaluable process in modern manufacturing.

Exploring the World of CNC Machining: A Look at Different Types


CNC Machining vs 3D Printing: Unveiling the Differences

In the ever-evolving landscape of manufacturing, two cutting-edge technologies have emerged as frontrunners: CNC machining and 3D printing. Each method brings its own set of strengths and applications to the table. Let's delve into the intricacies of CNC machining and 3D printing, comparing their features, advantages, and limitations.

1. CNC Machining: Precision in Action

CNC Machining vs 3D Printing: Unveiling the Differences

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is a subtractive manufacturing process. It involves removing material from a workpiece to achieve the desired shape. This process utilizes computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software to precisely control the movement of cutting tools.

CNC machining is renowned for its high level of accuracy and precision. It can achieve tight tolerances and produce intricate details, making it suitable for applications where precision is paramount, such as aerospace and medical industries. CNC machining is versatile when it comes to material compatibility. It can handle a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, and composites. This makes it a preferred choice for industries demanding durability and strength in their components. CNC machining is well-suited for both prototyping and large-scale production. While the setup time for CNC machining can be longer than 3D printing, it excels in producing high-quality, functional parts. CNC machining provides a superior surface finish compared to many 3D printing technologies. This makes it an ideal choice for components requiring a polished or smooth surface.

2. Transforming Ideas into Reality

CNC Machining vs 3D Printing: Unveiling the Differences

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, builds objects layer by layer from a digital model. It involves depositing material in a specific pattern to create a three-dimensional object. This process is highly versatile and allows for intricate geometries.

3D printing supports a diverse range of materials, including plastics, metals, ceramics, and even bio-materials. The material choices continue to expand, opening up new possibilities for various industries. 3D printing excels in rapid prototyping and is well-suited for complex geometries that may be challenging for CNC machining. However, it may not match the speed of CNC machining for large-scale production. In terms of cost-effectiveness, especially for low-volume production and prototyping, 3D printing can offer advantages due to reduced material wastage and simpler setups. 3D printing is celebrated for its customization capabilities. It allows for the creation of unique, personalized designs without the need for additional tooling, making it ideal for one-off or small-batch production.

Overall, the choice between CNC machining and 3D printing depends on factors such as materials, precision requirements, production scale, and project complexity. For larger production runs, CNC machining excels in precision and material versatility, while 3D printing shines in rapid prototyping and complex design applications.



High-Quality CNC Precision Parts Processing

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining plays a crucial role in manufacturing high-quality precision components. Below are the general process steps and details for manufacturing CNC-machined flanges:

High-Quality CNC Precision Parts Processing

Process Steps for CNC-Machined Flanges:

1. Design and Modeling:

Before manufacturing CNC components, CAD (Computer-Aided Design) design is essential. Design engineers use CAD software to create a 3D model of the flange, determining geometric shapes, dimensions, and machining paths.

2. Material Preparation:

Choose appropriate raw materials, typically metals (such as stainless steel, aluminum, etc.). Material selection depends on the flange's purpose, working environment, and performance requirements.

High-Quality CNC Precision Parts Processing

3. Machining Processes:

a. Roughing:

  • Use cutting tools on CNC machines to perform roughing, roughly shaping the overall form of the workpiece.

  • The goal of roughing is to quickly remove excess material, leaving an approximate final shape.

b. Semi-Finishing:

  • Use different tools to semi-finish the workpiece, further approaching the final shape.

  • Reduce cutting speed to improve surface smoothness.

c. Finishing:

  • Utilize small tools for the final precision cutting, achieving the final dimensions and surface smoothness.

  • Finishing often involves the use of smaller tools to enhance machining precision.

d. Hole Machining and Thread Cutting:

  • Use specialized tools for hole machining and thread cutting to ensure the flange meets design specifications.

4. Inspection and Quality Control:

After each machining step, conduct inspections to ensure the workpiece's dimensions, shape, and surface quality meet specification requirements. Common inspection methods include coordinate measuring, surface roughness testing, and ultrasonic testing.

5. Surface Treatment:

Depending on requirements, perform surface treatments such as polishing, sandblasting, or coating to enhance appearance and corrosion resistance.

6. Packaging and Delivery:

After completing machining and inspection, package the flanges according to customer requirements and proceed with delivery.

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